Remove Mistletoe from your trees!!
If you love your Pinon Oak trees, beware that mistletoe growths can overtake and
kill your Pinon tree. You’ll notice them high in the branches as thick bright green
clusters. Birds spread these through their droppings. Any of these mistletoe growths
should be removed by cutting the branch off just below the growth.
Mistletoe, are species of parasitic plants. Most mistletoes are parasites on trees and are pests of many ornamental, timber, and crop trees and are the cause of abnormal growths called “witches’ brooms” that deform the branches and will eventually destroy the tree they’re growing on. Some species are used as Christmas decorations and are associated with a holiday tradition of kissing. Not ours. Ours is a deadly assassin to your trees. Mistletoe will kill your trees if it is not cut off !!
One of our former neighbors had beautiful oak trees filling their back yard when we moved into our house 6 years ago… Mistletoe killed all but two of his trees, which my husband cut the mistletoe out of and saved since he was invalid.
Be Aware Pinion Oaks Folks!
Many residents are unaware of the high-water pressure in our Subdivision. The
City of Prescott DOES NOT install after water pressure regulators.
Water pressure can be THREE times what safe water pressure should be in our
Subdivision. The fire hydrants are usually on the same water line as your home.
Pressures should be between 55 to 65 pounds per square (PSI) inch AFTER
YOUR WATER METER to be safe. Or whatever your plumber recommends.
Our home pressure was tested and registered 180 PSI when we bought our
I suggest you get a Licensed Plumber to do a pressure test on your home water
system. Inside faucets and outside hose bibs.
Issues that will occur if you have too high a water pressure:
- Bursting water lines. Really an issue if it is under the foundation of your home.
- Any leak will cause a massive water bill without a pressure regulator installed. This
happened to my neighbor. Their water bill was $1800 for a few days leaking before it
was detected because his high pressure leaked way more water than if the pressure
would have been lower. Some these leaks are not readily visible, like his. - Blowing out of toilet valves, hot water heaters, water softener control valves,
landscape control solenoids, etc.
A simple prevention for this is to have a Water Pressure Regulator installed at
your water meter shutoff box by the street in the water line as it comes out of
your meter and goes to your house or landscape system.
Further advice is to register on the “Eye On Water” system which will tell you
how much water you use and when and will alert you of leaks by your iPhone or
computer. Prescott City Water Department (928) 777-1118
Courtesy of… Fiona Oakley
Your Pinon Oaks Neighborhood Realty Executives Real Estate Agent
I LOVE Pinon Oaks… because I LIVE in Pinon Oaks!
(928) 232-0401